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Docs / Highlight Docs / Product Features / Error Monitoring / Sourcemaps


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If you publicly deploy sourcemaps with your application then you do not need this guide. This guide is for applications that don't ship sourcemaps with their application.

When debugging an error in Highlight, it might be useful to get a stack trace from the original file in your codebase (rather than a minified file) to help understand what is going wrong. In order to do this, Highlight needs access to the sourcemaps from your codebase. Sourcemaps can be sent to Highlight in your CI/CD process.

Sending Sourcemaps to Highlight

The Highlight sourcemap-uploader can be used during your CI/CD process. Here's an example of using it:

#!/bin/sh # Build the app yarn build # Upload sourcemaps to Highlight # Add --appVersion "..." if you provide a version value in your H.init call. npx --yes @highlight-run/sourcemap-uploader upload --apiKey ${YOUR_ORG_API_KEY} --path ./build # Delete sourcemaps to prevent them from being deployed find build -name '*' -type f -delete # Deploy the app ./custom-deploy-script

The API key for your project. You can find this in the project settings.

The path that Highlight will use to send .map files. The default value is ./build.

The version of your current deployment. Please provide the same version value as the value you provide for version in H.init(). This ensures that we're always using the same set of sourcemaps for your current bundle. If omitted, sourcemaps are uploaded as unversioned (make sure H.init() does not have a version option provided).

Generating Sourcemaps

To use the Highlight sourcemap-uploader , you need to be generating sourcemaps for your project. Exactly how to do this depends on your target environment and javascript configuration. Bundlers like babel, webpack, esbuild, or rollup all provide different ways to enable sourcemap generation. Refer to documentation for your specific bundler to generate production-ready sourcemaps or reach out if you need more help!

Electron App Sourcemaps

Although your electron app configuration may vary, many will chose to use webpack to generate sourcemaps. Refer to the general webpack sourcemap documentation as well as this useful reference to configure your build.